Contact Us

[Error loading the control 'repeater_tabs', check event log for more details]


SELECT TOP 4 * FROM View_Healthworks_Clinic_Joined WHERE [NodeSiteID] = @NodeSiteID AND ([Published] = @Published AND (NodeAliasPath LIKE N'/Contact-Us/%') AND [DocumentCulture] = @DocumentCulture) ORDER BY NodeOrder

Caused exception:
Invalid object name 'View_Healthworks_Clinic_Joined'.
[Error loading the control 'repeater_tabcontent', check event log for more details]


SELECT TOP 4 * FROM View_Healthworks_Clinic_Joined WHERE [NodeSiteID] = @NodeSiteID AND ([Published] = @Published AND (NodeAliasPath LIKE N'/Contact-Us/%') AND [DocumentCulture] = @DocumentCulture) ORDER BY NodeOrder

Caused exception:
Invalid object name 'View_Healthworks_Clinic_Joined'.

All Healthworks Healthcare clinics are Bulk Billed through Medicare for Children under 16 years, DVA Card Holders & Pensioners over 65